
Producers and industry members have equal representation at our board table—a first of its kind. The BCC is a united value chain with a unified voice. Together our voices are stronger and our reach is broader.
- When we talk about building a united value chain, we mean the process of industry and producers working together to address what matters for barley—whether that is relaying a united voice to the government, revitalizing research initiatives, or promoting barley acres.
- By community, we mean people who share a common interest in Canadian barley and agriculture.
- We strive to bring all sectors, government, producers and organizations together to create strong representation for barley.
- We take a collaborative role when speaking for the Canadian barley industry—coordinating all links in the value chain and taking a national approach.
The Barley Council of Canada is committed to working for the entire barley value chain through strategic initiatives. These include:
- Coordinating research efforts across Canada to ensure focus and co-operation while reducing duplication and increasing innovation
- Improving communication throughout the value chain and providing a unified voice to encourage further investment in processing, research and innovation
- Building a unique brand for Canadian barley that sets it apart from competitors, including the development and distribution of branding, key messaging, promotional items and marketing materials for all end-uses
- Supporting agronomic researchers in developing best practices to manage production issues including malt quality, harvest and storage requirements
- Addressing barriers and opportunities related to the value of feed barley for livestock, including the coordination of feed conversion studies comparing barley to wheat and corn
- Communicating the health benefits of barley by raising awareness of the Health Canada claim through the national consumer campaign, (