National Barley Cluster 2018-2023
National Barley Cluster 2018-2023: Variety Development Research

Building Better Barley
View the Building Better Barley 2019 brochure and 2019 magazine below.
AgriScience Program: National Barley Cluster (2018-2023)
Variety Development
Activity 2: Breeding two-row malt, feed and food varieties
Project lead: Dr. Aaron Beattie, University of Saskatchewan Crop Development Centre
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding: $1,091,067
Activity 3: Breeding malting and food barley cultivars for western Canada assisted by new technologies
Project lead: Dr. Ana Badea, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research and Development Centre
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding: $1,685,804
Activity 4: Breeding barley for high yield and resistance to fusarium head blight for eastern Canada
Project lead: Dr. Raja Khanal, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa Research and Development Centre
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding:$1,041,101
Activity 5: Phenotyping barley breeding lines and germplasm for disease resistance
Project lead: Dr. Thomas Kelly Turkington, Lacombe Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding: $409,500
Activity 6: CropSNPs: ultra-low cost genotyping in barley and soy
Project lead: Dr. François Belzile, Université Laval
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding: $500,827
Disease Management
Activity 7: Barley pathogen variation and surveillance: implications for managing disease via host resistance and fungicides
Project lead: Dr. Thomas Kelly Turkington, Lacombe Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding:$642,864
Activity 8: Developing barley germplasm with improved resistance to fusarium head blight and other biotic stresses for western Canada
Project lead: Dr. James Tucker, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Brandon Research and Development Centre
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding:$2,020,798
Malting and Brewing
Activity 9: Study of barley quality and process factors that can produce malt with potential premature yeast flocculation
Project lead: Dr. Yueshu Li, Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC)
Timeline: 2018-2021 | Total Funding:$220,000
Activity 10: Examination and definition of flavours and aromas and their precursors in malting barley cultivars
Project lead: Dr. Yueshu Li, Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre
Timeline: 2018-2021 | Total Funding:$300,000
Feed Barley
Activity 11: Enhancing the competitive value of barley in swine diets
Project lead: Dr. Ruurd T. Zijlstra, University of Alberta
Timeline: 2019-2023 | Total Funding:$431,941
Crop Management
Activity 12: In-crop management strategies to reduce the impact of fusarium head blight in barley
Project lead: Dr. Thomas Kelly Turkington, Lacombe Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Timeline: 2018-2023 | Total Funding:$508,200
Activity 13: The influence of preceding legumes and nitrogen management on malt barley yield and quality across Canada
Project lead: Dr. Aaron Mills & Dr. Breanne Tidemann, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Timeline: 2018-2022 | Total Funding:$450,000